Rightway Christian Bookstore RSS Feeds - Christian Life & Growth https://rightwaybooks.com/rss/category/christian-life-growth Rightway Christian Bookstore RSS Feeds - Christian Life & Growth en Copyright 2012 - 2024 Rightway Mega Network - All Rights Reserved. PILLARS OF DESTINY https://rightwaybooks.com/pillars-of-destiny-253 https://rightwaybooks.com/pillars-of-destiny-253

✔ Price: 3,000

Wed, 11 Dec 2024 13:10:09 +0100 Cylars Omoloye
CHRISTIAN WRITERS WANTED! https://rightwaybooks.com/christian-writers-wanted-252 https://rightwaybooks.com/christian-writers-wanted-252

✔ Price: 1,000

The written word will go where the human voice cannot go. It has no passport or visa problem. It travels cheaply. It leaps language barriers, and it is never influenced by racial prejudice.

It will tell its story in home or shop, in factory or in the field. It will reach the most secluded village and dwelling. It will go where even radio cannot reach.

Here we need to remember the word of Daniel Webster:  "If Christian books are not widely circulated among the masses in this country, I do not know what is going to become of us as a nation. If Truth be not diffused error will be, if God and His word are not known and received, the devil and his works will gain the ascendancy.

Wed, 04 Dec 2024 05:37:39 +0100 Peter O. Morakinyo
THE BELIEVER https://rightwaybooks.com/the-believer-223 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-believer-223

✔ Price: 1,500

One of the major things lacking among many Christian faithfuls is knowledge. The law of life is such that you can't function above the level of your knowledge; wiser than your level of wisdom and more intelligent than the level of your understanding. For no man is freer than the truth he knows. This is why it is infact spiritually compulsory to fight Ignorance first even before the devil Because, Satan is only '"powerful'" in your ignorance!

  It is not enough to be an observer witnesing the supernatural but not  partaking or participating in it. All these however, starts from the place of knowing and engaging.

As a believer, your journey begins when you put faith on the finished works of Christ which tranlates you into the realm of divine realities. A further step should be embarking on the adventure of Christ centered knowledge. The revelation of your unveiled identity becomes the starting point to guide you into accurately navigating the complexities of life with an advantage mentality.

 It is certain that this book would unfold and equip you with the spiritual weapon of revelation knowledge- a principal tool with which you will literally incapacitates the kingdom of darkness and enlightens our hearts through the light of the word which makes a spirit being with human experiences.

Mon, 30 Sep 2024 11:01:16 +0100 Bruno Onyes
I LOVE YOU https://rightwaybooks.com/i-love-you-215 https://rightwaybooks.com/i-love-you-215

✔ Price: 1,000

This is no ordinary book; it is a sermon that everyone should read repeatedly and share with their loved ones.

The author clearly demonstrates the importance of loving God wholeheartedly and extending that love to all our acquaintances.

This book emphasizes the necessity of loving our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and all of humanity at any cost.

Thu, 11 Jul 2024 04:17:12 +0100 bunmibankole
PERFECTING THE SAINTS FOR THE WORK OF MINISTRY https://rightwaybooks.com/perfecting-the-saints-for-the-work-of-ministry-210 https://rightwaybooks.com/perfecting-the-saints-for-the-work-of-ministry-210

✔ Price: 2,000

Knowledge is a crucial part of the Christian faith. As a Believer, you can’t act beyond what you know about God’s plan for us as His church. That is, your knowledge about who you are in Christ affects your walk with God, and your service in His House. Simply put, you cannot walk and work with God effectively beyond the insight you gain in His word.

In this book, Ven. Emmanuel O Fadipe gives clear cut Biblical answers to many questions bugging the hearts of Believers and ministers regarding The Saint, the Saint’ s Identity, The role of Ministry Gifts in perfecting the Saints, as well as Ministry and its Fruit and much more.

The book is a heart-stirring and inspiring one, it dispels human traditions and enthrones scriptural authority on the subject. It will bless you, your Team and the Body of Christ at large.

Perfecting the Saint for the work of Ministry is a classic teaching and landmark exposition of this subject, and it helps both Believers and Ministers to rightly divide the word of truth whereby enhancing all who read to fulfill God’s plan and purpose.

 Chapter titles include:

  Who is a Saint?

  Perfecting the Saints

  The Work of Ministry

  Charismatic Ministry

  The Role of Prayers in Ministry

Perfecting the Saints for the work of ministry is a book every believer especially minister should diligently study and it's a recommended masterpiece for Bible Schools, Seminaries, Schools of Ministry, Church cell groups and the likes.

Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:46:57 +0100 Emmanuel O. Fadipe
THE GOD OF ALL FLESH https://rightwaybooks.com/the-god-of-all-flesh-196 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-god-of-all-flesh-196

✔ Price: 1,000

All things created by God were to standard and for His own pleasure. Since the manufacturer of a product is the one that would specify its functions, God is the One who will specify what He has implanted in individuals and the direction all shall work to glorify His name. When a man acts in a particular way, little would he know that an invisible hand controls him. If you are not controlled by your Creator, you are manipulated by another creature. A bird that dances in the middle of the road has its drummer in the bush close-by. God does not feel comfortable if the one He has created to have dominion over other creatures (Genesis 1:28) condescends to serving lesser gods. He feels sad to see man walk into traps set by other creatures he is supposed to dominate.

Essentially, God has left man to determine his course on earth; having been given the free-will to choose what to say, what to do, where to go and who to serve. “See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil” Deuteronomy 30:15. He has however sufficiently advised in the scriptures that it is only your Creator that you should serve. If you serve another god, you have contravened heaven’s ordinances. This should be why God always come hard when any creature violates His laws. Instances abound in the scriptures when God roared in heaven to do unimaginable things on earth on behalf of the ones He loved.

On many occasions, He would set free the ones put in prison with the doors still locked. He had used leaders to do what they wouldn’t have done. Nobody is too big, hard or tough that God cannot soften, bend and use. When God Himself examined His exploits and dealings with men, He felt satisfied and exclaimed, “Behold, I am the Lord the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me?” Jeremiah 32:27. Your answer to the above rhetorical question will determine the extent to which you could walk with God and fulfill destiny in life. I advise you to answer in the affirmative.

Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:07:03 +0100 Johnson Olusegun Akindele
70 FACTS ABOUT SPEAKING IN TONGUES https://rightwaybooks.com/70-facts-about-speaking-in-tongues-181 https://rightwaybooks.com/70-facts-about-speaking-in-tongues-181

✔ Price: 2,500

One of the most abused, misunderstood, bastardized and sometimes underrated subjects in today’s Christianity is the subject of Speaking In Tongues. Much ignorance, misconception, misjudgement and misinformation abound on the subject in the Body of Christ today.

Ironically however, many Charismatic/Pentecostal folks have a superficial and surface-level understanding of the subject of Speaking In Tongues. At best, they go a half mile in navigating the mechanics, dynamics and intricacies of tongues without having a comprehensive understanding of it in all ramifications.

This gap in understanding has undoubtedly led to the inability of many Christian folks to fully maximize the blessings that God has reserved for His children in Christ.

This book, hot and fresh from the furnace of the apostolic teaching ministry of Pastor Bimbo Animashaun, provides the Biblical context of speaking in tongues in all its entirety.

Pastor Bimbo, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, uncovers new areas of insight into the subject, dispel the myths associated with it, and challenges New Testament believers to make speaking in tongue an intricate part of their daily lives.

70 Facts About Speaking In Tongues is undoubtedly a trigger for charismatic renaissance and prayer revolution that will dramatically enhance the prayer culture of the Body of Christ and inject fresh lights, insights and revelations into the landscape.

The contents of this book are designed to boost your devotional life and are impregnated with the Spirit-generated capacity to herald a new era and dispensation of explosive manifestations in the body of Christ.

It’s a must-read for all Christians across denominational lines!

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 15:09:39 +0100 BimboAnimashaun
FRESH OIL: Maintaining The Glow Of The Spirit https://rightwaybooks.com/fresh-oil-maintaining-the-glow-of-the-spirit-176 https://rightwaybooks.com/fresh-oil-maintaining-the-glow-of-the-spirit-176

✔ Price: 2,000

The subject of The Anointing is one that every believer and minister should master, because it guarantees the effective pursuit and execution of God’s plan and purpose for our lives.

Without the ANOINTING, we are NOTHING, and God’s plan for our lives becomes effectively hindered and obliterated by the forces of darkness.

But thank God, THE ANOINTING IS REAL and you can be anointed with FRESH OIL.

This book unveils the power of the Holy Spirit, called the anointing, and how you can be consistently inundated with that power, thereby experiencing the freshness of the Spirit every day.

In Fresh Oil, you will discover:

I.     What is the anointing

II.   The difference between the Holy Spirit and the anointing

III. How to unleash the rivers of living water

IV.The difference between the FLOW and the OVERFLOW

V.   How to constantly operate with Fresh Oil

VIPlus Much More!

You will not like to drop Fresh Oil until you read it to the end.

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 14:59:39 +0100 BimboAnimashaun
WAR AGAINST INDECENCY IN THE CHURCH https://rightwaybooks.com/war-against-indecency-in-the-church-167 https://rightwaybooks.com/war-against-indecency-in-the-church-167

✔ Price: 500

This revised edition is inspiring and challenging. Borne out of deep thoughts about happenings in the church of God and our society. It demonstrates a ‘holy anger’ against indecency around us. For a generation like ours that is being pushed into indecency and godlessness by the devil partly through technological advancement, impatience and indifference, warnings like this cannot be ignored. Issues that constitute fire extinguishers of godliness and orderliness in our society are succinctly exposed. As you accept the admonitions, attend to the instructions and internalize the lessons you will not only glorify God here on earth but also prepare yourself for a blissful eternity with God

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 13:54:11 +0100 opapeju
FINDING GOD IN YOUR REALITIES https://rightwaybooks.com/finding-god-in-your-realities-161 https://rightwaybooks.com/finding-god-in-your-realities-161

✔ Price: 1,000

In case you have been going through life undefined and there is a longing in your heart to find the missing link in order to fully realise your potentials and fulfil destiny, irrespective of who you are, then this book is for you.

FINDING GOD IN YOUR REALITIES will expose you to the secrets that make for a fulfilled life.

I see God reaching out to you personally as you embark on this journey of discovery.

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 13:03:00 +0100 bornofgod
YOUR TIME OF MANIFESTATION https://rightwaybooks.com/your-time-of-manifestation-155 https://rightwaybooks.com/your-time-of-manifestation-155

✔ Price: 500

Your Time of Manifestation opens our minds to what manifestation is really. People miss their times and seasons out of ignorance, carelessness, demonic attack and many more. This is not acceptable for someone walking in the light. How can? Why should this be? I have shared lots of truth and stories to buttress this point.

Above all, there are different ways a man who is in the faith manifests. Different chapters in the book expose this in forms of didactic teachings, picturesque descriptions and testimonies of several people that have faced challenges of which some have won and some have not.

However, our God is unfailing. He is faithful and He is ever able, the overall boss, head of principalities and powers. It is time you get hooked, and attached to Him permanently if you have not for He is not just the everlasting God, He is the judge of the whole world!

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 11:45:44 +0100 OlufemiJames
TAKE IT NOW BY FORCE: Your Destiny Is Within Reach, You Can Do It https://rightwaybooks.com/take-it-now-by-force-your-destiny-is-within-reach-you-can-do-it-142 https://rightwaybooks.com/take-it-now-by-force-your-destiny-is-within-reach-you-can-do-it-142

✔ Price: 500

Take It By Force is the expected sequel to my earlier book, Rise Up To The Challenge, as both tackle the main issue of faith in God, in the face of challenges we all encounter in this life.

This book in particular, emphasises Matthew 11:12, "And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." It assures the readers of God's declared mandate for you: That you have a glorious future ahead, and you can both reach for it and take it, against all odds.

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 10:35:02 +0100 andrewbooks
RISE UP TO THE CHALLENGE: You’re About To Win https://rightwaybooks.com/rise-up-to-the-challenge-youre-about-to-win-141 https://rightwaybooks.com/rise-up-to-the-challenge-youre-about-to-win-141

✔ Price: 500

"The Author, Andrew Itua, has painted different real scenarios that we all face daily. But most of all he has painted a new picture for us, that RISING UP is the only option. We all encounter challenges and so many also fail or fall. Unfortunately not many people have the inner strength to RISE UP to their challenges.

This book gives you the energy you require to be able to RISE UP. You can RISE UP again." - PANAM PERCY PAUL PHD

Rise Up to the Challenge has a simple message: “Wake up and look into THE Book. Get off the hook and find the true expression in His brook that never runs dry, and make a lasting impression in your world.” It is a clarion call that points at a preferable future ahead, BETTER than the present state, no matter how good it appears.

This book foreshadows Take It by Force, a sequel that emphasises Matthew 11:12, “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.” Both books tie on this one point: You have a glorious future ahead, and they tell you how to reach it.

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 10:33:20 +0100 andrewbooks
WHY WASTE? https://rightwaybooks.com/why-waste-138 https://rightwaybooks.com/why-waste-138

✔ Price: 1,000

Inspite of our busy schedules, pursue, hard work, desires that looks promising, efforts, intelligence, degrees, yet we get it wrong and bounces back to where we started from except we yield to the Holy Spirit for direction, we will be living in circles.

It’s my prayer that this book will put us back on the right track.

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 10:20:33 +0100 MildredBooks
The Enemy in the Mirror https://rightwaybooks.com/the-enemy-in-the-mirror-126 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-enemy-in-the-mirror-126

✔ Price: 500

In a world full of ups and down, with so many uncertainties, it is a norm to be conscious of what to do, how to make necessary progress in life, it will be an abrasion to sit and do nothing in a busy world we live in today.
A world system with unpredictable events and happenings, where everyone wants to make it, for some they are ready to make it by all means and at all cost regardless of who is hurt or who even dies.
The fight for peace and harmony is on a high side, with cases of conflict among friends, loved ones, even in the church that has perverted the perspectives of many.
A lot of people are wondering why their life is full of stagnation, frustration, struggles and confusion, for some they are working, driving their dream car but still lack fulfillment, is it those who made money from the blood of others and are in the middle of no return. 
A marriage with many crises, having done all to make it work but all to no avail, what a world which seems so unlucky for many, you talk of a first-class graduate who is qualified to be highly placed in the society yet is nothing to write home about.
how do you explain to a man who has done all he could to succeed but ends up in failure, what motivation can you give to a young lady who is a product of a broken home?
It becomes clear on a daily basis that there is a fight going on with an enemy, an enemy that wants to reduce your growth, in finance, your personality that God has kept for you, an enemy that unconsciously may not be known by many, but is standing before you.
When you stand before a mirror, what do you see? You see an average Christian will jump into prayers and fasting which is not actually bad but when the basis of life is not settled, there will be little or zero result, if the foundation is faulty what can even the righteous do. Psalm 11:3

It is clear from scriptures that the devils assignment is to steal, kill, and to destroy but Jesus came to give us life abundantly. John 10:10, every external reaction is a pointer to something within, a life of zero concern about the affairs of God will not see things `favourable.
No one chooses to be an enemy but unconsciously by what we embrace, as you read through the book I welcome you to an adventure of discoveries.

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 00:04:02 +0100 Abu James
PULLING DOWN THE WALLS OF PRIDE https://rightwaybooks.com/pulling-down-the-walls-of-pride-124 https://rightwaybooks.com/pulling-down-the-walls-of-pride-124

✔ Price: 500

This book gives an extensive outlook on the issue of pride. It becomes inevitable for perusal because of the misconceptions of the reality of PRIDE and its attendant consequences.

Principally this book is aimed at two categories of people: The first category of people are those who believe they are not proud at all, but are notably ‘’proud of their humility’’ while the second category are those who admit they are proud, but are willing to find out how to deal with it, even to the simplest form of pride in their lives, for a better walk with Christ. To the former, this book will caution them to take heed while they are still ‘’standing in humility’’, while to the latter it will teach them on how to overcome pride and its destructive devices. Importantly, this book will help everyone to be more intentional about heaven and to leave no stone unturned in their heavenly bound pilgrimage.

In this book, the Author meticulously examines some of the significant causes of pride, the categories of pride, the consequences of pride and how God uses certain situations of life to warn humanity of this destructive disease called pride.

Indeed, for every diagnosis there is always a therapy. This book is a therapy to flush out the poison of pride in the destinies of people.

God bless.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 23:58:57 +0100 GbolahanBright
DEAD JOURNEY https://rightwaybooks.com/dead-journey-119 https://rightwaybooks.com/dead-journey-119

✔ Price: 500

There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.

Dead journey, is an uncommon book carefully compiled to do the following in your life:

To show you one of the major way (sexual immorality) that seems right unto man.

And possible ways to avoid dead journey.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:30:28 +0100 FridayBooks
SEVEN MEANINGS OF SEVEN https://rightwaybooks.com/seven-meanings-of-seven-116 https://rightwaybooks.com/seven-meanings-of-seven-116

✔ Price: 600

Seven Meanings of Seven is a reflection on the significance of seven. It builds and strengthens Christian faith for a deeper understanding of God through His word. The contents are significant, divine, revealing and inspiring. The book makes more sense when studied carefully and meditated upon as the contents touch on God the Father, His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and the Church.

The book will stir readers’ interest in digging deep into the Being of God. It is specially designed for Bible Studies, Digging Deep and Faith Clinic.  The reader will find it interesting, challenging, inspiring and more engaging as it presents 108 items of materials from the Scriptures that have a cycle of seven that builds Christian Faith and Spirituality.

At the end of this book, the reader will be transformed and affected positively by the power of the word of God.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:20:58 +0100 CliffordBooks
WONDERFUL NAMES OF GOD https://rightwaybooks.com/wonderful-names-of-god-115 https://rightwaybooks.com/wonderful-names-of-god-115

✔ Price: 1,000

Many Christians are well acquainted with the redemptive and attributive names of God without having a real knowledge of the life-transforming treasures God has benevolently packaged in each name for the benefit of mankind.
WONDERFUL NAMES OF GOD  is a clear, Spirit-revealed exposition on the hidden treasures specially packaged in the age-long names of Good for the end-time need of believers all over the world.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:18:29 +0100 B.A ventures
THE POWER OF A SOUND MIND https://rightwaybooks.com/the-power-of-a-sound-mind-113 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-power-of-a-sound-mind-113

✔ Price: 2,000

This didactic masterpiece thoroughly explores our heritage of  mental excellence in Christ. In his usual simple and straightforward expository approach, Pastor Bimbo Animashaun teaches that believers can use the life of God in their spirits to develop their minds. He also states emphatically,  YOU ARE NOT SOUND UNTIL YOUR MIND IS SOUND, positing that believers have the same quality of mind, like that of Christ, hence producing mighty works to the glory of God.

This insightful book maintains that Christianity is not a religion of mediocrity, it is rather a spiritual endeavour  that exerts a great measure of influence on the intellectual processes of man. This delectable blend of inspiring morsels comes from the stable of one of the finest teachers of God's Word in the Body of Christ today.  It is your divine ticket to a mental revolution!

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:11:04 +0100 BimboAnimashaun
UNDERSTANDING GOD’S WILL https://rightwaybooks.com/understanding-gods-will-112 https://rightwaybooks.com/understanding-gods-will-112

✔ Price: 500

The Only Safe Place In The Entire World Is God's Will-Barracks Not Any Army Barracks

God's will is the ultimate thing in life. It is the greatest need of mankind. It is the master key to greatness. It is the key to peace, safety, freedom, victory, favour, glory, fulfillment and eternal life. On the other hand, not understanding God's Will and living by it can lead to slavery, sickness, poverty, death, and many other vices. Don't allow ignorance to destroy you!

In this book, you will learn the importance of knowing God's Will, types of God's Will, and as well discover that it is God's heartbeat for you to live your life to the fullest. You will learn how you can live an overcoming life based on God's Will. It will guide you on how to avoid the danger awaiting those who are living outside God's Will. It will guide you on how you can live a fulfilled life, and bring glory to God. Each chapter ends with the benefits related to the topics. Sure, God's Will is all you need to climb any mountain of life and navigate your way to a fulfilled life; nothing else. So, if you value God's Will, don't miss this opportunity! Read it, apply it and gain it!

NOTE: THE WHITE background of this book cries out and speaks vehemently of God's heartbeat and desire for all men, women, youth and children to return to a life of total holiness, purity, and divine wisdom in all things. It calls for people of all nations to lead of life of justice and honesty in all things to the glory of God.

THE BLUE portrays God's heartbeat for all people to love Him with all of our hearts, bodies, souls and spirits, which is the first, greatest and summary of all the commandments.

AND THE HEAVENLY GOLD unlike earthly gold that can be corrupted, depicts the riches, glory, integrity, power, and the irreversible and indestructible authority of God's Will. It denotes the unfailing, perfect, profitable, beauty and reliability of God's Will.

He that has an ear let him hear!

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:08:11 +0100 Kenneth Udom
BEFORE HONOUR - Volume Four: The Honour Stage https://rightwaybooks.com/before-honour-volume-four-the-honour-stage-110 https://rightwaybooks.com/before-honour-volume-four-the-honour-stage-110

✔ Price: 500

BEFORE HONOUR there must be the experience of all about honour.

This experience is detailed in this book:  covering four volumes in sequential order.

In this volume: THE HONOUR STAGE; we enter into the real experience of honour.

* Living in honour is now a practical experience.

* The greatest honour has become to us a possibility.

* And the last honour a reality.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:02:57 +0100 OlusoreBooks
BEFORE HONOUR - Volume Three: The Launching Stage https://rightwaybooks.com/before-honour-volume-three-the-launching-stage-109 https://rightwaybooks.com/before-honour-volume-three-the-launching-stage-109

✔ Price: 500

BEFORE HONOUR there must be the experience of all about honour.

This experience is detailed in this book:  covering four volumes in sequential order.

In this volume: THE LAUNCHING STAGE; there is a launching forth into honour.

Having passed through the appointment and the preparatory stages, you are now a divine product ready for honour.

All that requires for stepping out into honour are positive, qualitative and quantitative steps; produced by intentional moves and acts towards honour. These all work together through the dynamics of opportunity.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 22:01:21 +0100 OlusoreBooks
BEFORE HONOUR - Volume Two: The Preparatory Stage https://rightwaybooks.com/before-honour-volume-two-the-preparatory-stage-108 https://rightwaybooks.com/before-honour-volume-two-the-preparatory-stage-108

✔ Price: 500

BEFORE HONOUR there must be the experience of all about honour.

This experience is detailed in this book:  covering four volumes in sequential order.

In this volume: THE PREPARATORY STAGE of Before Honour; there is a preparatory experience that passes you through stages where:

* You know your right to honour and at the same time be right for honour.

* Making a choice for honour is your ultimate priority.

* The separation of honour that separates and build you up for honour is your daily experience.

* You become a vessel of honour with great values and virtues.

* Finally you thread through the pathway of honour with great lessons that strengthens and toughens you up for all the challenges that comes with honour.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 21:59:49 +0100 OlusoreBooks
BEFORE HONOUR - Volume One: The Appointment Stage https://rightwaybooks.com/before-honour-volume-one-the-appointment-stage-107 https://rightwaybooks.com/before-honour-volume-one-the-appointment-stage-107

✔ Price: 100

BEFORE HONOUR there must be the experience of all about honour.

This experience is detailed in this book:  covering four volumes in sequential order.


The stage is set for the man God honours to have an encounter with the God that honours men.

And the honour that has been appointed becomes a real living experience. You are that individual appointed for honour.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 21:58:11 +0100 OlusoreBooks
MORE THAN CONQUERORS https://rightwaybooks.com/more-than-conquerors-102 https://rightwaybooks.com/more-than-conquerors-102

✔ Price: 500

The Body of Christ in Nigeria and globally is up against satan's end-time weapons of assault: terrorism and persecution. The goal is to stop true believers, waste the Body of Christ and overthrow the Christian Faith. This book is the Holy Spirit's wake-up call to believers to arise, stand strong and triumph. It's a modern day companion of FOXE'S BOOK OF MARTYRS

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 21:39:55 +0100 AnthonyOkoh
MY REWARD IS WITH ME https://rightwaybooks.com/my-reward-is-with-me-88 https://rightwaybooks.com/my-reward-is-with-me-88

✔ Price: 500

This book, "My reward is with me", is a book that will prepare all the children of God for the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ in the clouds, by doing there given assignment (either in the church or in the society), with perfect hearts (with fear of God).

This book discusses on how important is to be faithful in one given assignment to God and to man. If you want to know more about your spiritual assignments and how to do it in a way to receive full reward from Jesus Christ; you need to read this book. Blessed are you, as you read through this book, in Jesus name. Amen.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 17:10:51 +0100 kingheartbooks
BENEFITS OF GOD’S SECRET PLACE https://rightwaybooks.com/benefits-of-gods-secret-place-87 https://rightwaybooks.com/benefits-of-gods-secret-place-87

✔ Price: 500

This book is one of those pieces of information you need to get and read at this time of Pandemic disease (Corvid-19), global crises and insecurity. Indeed, God is still in control of the earth. Yet he permitted Devil to have limited operations in the world. This was due to man's choice in the garden of Eden. As a result of Devil influence in the heart of man. For this reason, not everyone is willing to live in the secret place of Most High!

That is the reason, not everyone will have the testimony of divine healing, protection, Salvation and redemption in his / her life. Indeed, many are living miserable lives! The secret place of God is a place of "His power," where there is "Mercy," "Eternal life," "Forgiveness," "Protection," and every good thing needed in life and beyond for man!

Get a copy of this book now and you will know how to move into this, "Secret place of Most High," and then have all the, ' Benefits " there in! 

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 17:08:52 +0100 kingheartbooks
TURNING STORMS INTO MIRACLES https://rightwaybooks.com/turning-storms-into-miracles-86 https://rightwaybooks.com/turning-storms-into-miracles-86

✔ Price: 500

You’d remember reading this somewhere: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.” From these writings of Apostle Paul in 2 Cor. 1:3-4, we know that sometimes God calms the storm we face in life but at others times He lets the storm rage and calms His child. In Turning Your Storm into Miracles, the author affirms that this is true.

The author also gives the different forms of storm, how they affect our lives and the role of God in the storms we face in life. This is necessary because we often ask at difficult moments, “Where is God in all these?” You will find in Turning Storm into Miracles that there is always a silver lining, a good side, and some benefits in all the troubles we face in life. This book is a proof of it.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 17:03:49 +0100 andrewbooks
THE COVENANT OF LONGEVITY https://rightwaybooks.com/the-covenant-of-longevity-84 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-covenant-of-longevity-84

✔ Price: 500

God is eternal, His plans are also eternal. God has eternal plans for you to live long on earth. This kind of life God has in Him is the kind of life He gave to mankind from the beginning, that life is called Eternal Life.

In this book you will learn: God’s Eternal Plan, Origin of Death, Fear of Death, Types of Death, The Living Dead, Why People Die Premature, The Secret of Longevity, and much more.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 05:19:48 +0100 EmmanuelRhema
REBUILDING THE GATES https://rightwaybooks.com/rebuilding-the-gates-77 https://rightwaybooks.com/rebuilding-the-gates-77

✔ Price: 500

Rebuilding the Gates is a book inspired by the Holy Spirit and worth reading. It unravels the different aspects of the church that have been broken down. The desire is for us, as Nehemiah, with a concerted effort to rebuilding the Gates.
Rebuilding the Gates is a phenomenon insight that uncovers the loopholes
in the church that have allowed the infiltration of disaster. This
infiltration sadly comes in unnoticed through the various gates that
have been broken down. Our trip led us through the rough path and
brought us to the book of Nehemiah. 

Many neglected aspects have been allowed in the body, hereby, causing serious damage to the health of the body of Christ. Furthermore, this is an eye opener to helping us measure our lives and services to ascertain how genuine and ready we are to embark on this journey.

The truth must become a lifestyle for us if we are to achieve this mandate. We must step from business as usual way of running ministry to the heavenly pattern.

Meanwhile, we must deliberately submit ourselves in humility to the
engrafted word of truth, which is able to save our souls. When we discover the truth, it will be easy to show people the truth.

We must go to the altar of Jesus and die to ourselves and take up His own life. The Lord will also take us through this rough path. We also desire that whenever we are trying to take a short cut, His rod of discipline should flog us back to shape. We yearn that He takes us to His quarry site and cut, mould and squeeze us to His mould.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 04:56:54 +0100 Sylvesterbooks
THE VICIOUS CYCLE https://rightwaybooks.com/the-vicious-cycle-75 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-vicious-cycle-75

✔ Price: 500

 The vicious cycle of sin starts usually with a single sin. Human attempt to cover up this sin leads to more sins. More sins lead to deeper roots in sins over and over again which eventually  lead to destruction, thus vicious cycle is completed. The only way to terminate this destructive cycle is through Jesus.

Fri, 22 Dec 2023 04:23:22 +0100 Samson Aderemi Books
ARISE AND SHINE https://rightwaybooks.com/arise-and-shine-67 https://rightwaybooks.com/arise-and-shine-67

✔ Price: 500

The two crucial entities of existence that none can do without are Life and Light. The value for these determines how far and fast you can go in the journey of destiny and eternity. Hence, the clarion call in this book; 'Arise and Shine'. Decision and determination to get out of the snares of Ignorance into God's marvelous light of understanding will forever sever you and your generation from a regrettable doom. Discovering that absolute truth and light to ignite your world is not far fetch from the book in your hand. The world of ignorance is simply an existence without the true living God and his life-giving capsules of the Word.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:54:01 +0100 Moses Oga
THE POWER OF BOOKS - The Awesome Power of Personal Development https://rightwaybooks.com/the-power-of-books-the-awesome-power-of-personal-development-65 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-power-of-books-the-awesome-power-of-personal-development-65

✔ Price: 500

Take it straight to heart. Not every book is meant for you to read. But there are books that you must read if you must fulfill your destiny on earth as ordained of God. And that’s why you have to read them.

This is one such book. “The Power of Book” takes you through the whole gamut of what it takes to become who you are supposed to be in life as ordained of God. It makes available to you a wealth of spiritual and physical gems such as practical time management, cultivated and enduring life fulfilling character, trading with destiny redefining ideas, the power of being proactive, and the ability to prioritize, organize and discipline yourself to realize your set target.

This book makes available to you nuggets of ideas that provide you with unfailing blueprints to crystallize projects meant for destiny fulfillment. It is a warehouse of all its takes to distinguish you in the affairs of life. Reading this book will take you to another realm of mental exploits, as it is running over with all it takes to realize that endeavour. It takes a developed mind to interpret spiritual messages: both great and small. The prose and the Spirit of God impregnated in it guarantee you that. “The Power of Book” is a buyer’s money worth.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:47:17 +0100 Joseph Olushola
HAS THE LORD SPOKEN? https://rightwaybooks.com/has-the-lord-spoken-61 https://rightwaybooks.com/has-the-lord-spoken-61

✔ Price: 1,000

Peter Mctaylor, a young preacher had lived all his life by divine direction. When a man lives by divine direction he operates under an anointing of ease...Bagging a first class honors in Civil Engineering, occupying a ready-made job after NYSC, and pastoring a flourishing ministry were all manifestations of the anointing of ease. But getting a good wife, how easy was this? Yet the Lord had spoken.

He was so sure of the voice he had heard as he sought Shade’s hands in marriage...But amidst various ministry challenges came a confusion that aroused the question HAS THE LORD SPOKEN?.

It is a dramatic twist of what is happening in the Christendom today.

A must read for all generation of Christians especially ministers of God and singles.

Bola Oluwapelumi (Nee Falemi) - Training Consultant

A compelling page turner that makes you feel alive and become part of the story itself. It helps you trust God the more, knowing that there are no trials in life that are not common to men.

Funke Umeano - Legal Practitioner

In their quest to attract the unmarried pastors’ attention, spinsters in the Church outdo each other with their endless visions of “Thus says the Lord...”

This is a fascinating story of how Bachelor pastors can overcome sisters’ canal antics, as the author navigates through their emotions to distinguish a ‘divine’ encounter from a ‘designed’ encounter.

Emma Mbanaso - Legal Practitioner

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:34:07 +0100 FunkeAdaramola
A VESSEL …FROM THE RUBBLE https://rightwaybooks.com/a-vessel-from-the-rubble-60 https://rightwaybooks.com/a-vessel-from-the-rubble-60

✔ Price: 1,000

Jane Adams was literarily born into the fast lane of life. Orphaned at age twelve, she was thrown into the care of her socialite Aunty, whose only currency for survival was Beauty. The beauty that made heads turn… and turned heads upside down… A phenomenal Beauty that emptied the pockets of men.

And with this “currency” Jane built her destiny to a towering height. Her job, her career, her relationship, and almost her marriage… all on the currency of beauty.

But suddenly in one fell swoop they all came crashing down. All that she ever owned and possessed… Broken and splintered into rubbles.

How does one begin to pick such rubbles to live again…? Of what use were rubbles to a once beautiful edifice…? Save for a painful piece of history…?

A Vessel from the Rubbles is a touching story of Christ’s redemptive power in the face of complete hopelessness.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:32:28 +0100 FunkeAdaramola
THE FIRST LADIES IN THE CATHEDRAL https://rightwaybooks.com/the-first-ladies-in-the-cathedral-59 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-first-ladies-in-the-cathedral-59

✔ Price: 1,000

“But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonor…” (2Timothy2:20).

PASTOR AKINDELE-THOMPSON: “The forgotten one”. He laboured and sacrificed tirelessly in the vineyard, only to be ‘forgotten’ and seemingly by-passed, in moments of reward.

SISTER AMAKA&SISTER LIZZY: The money-driven and power-hungry women. They hurried their budding husbands to the top, putting themselves at the driving wheels of the Ministry and rebranded their roles from “Parish Mummies” to “First Ladies of the Parish” just for worldly cravings and societal expectations.

BROTHER ERASTUS: The retrenched Court Clerk: With consummate zeal and spiritual razzmatazz, he emerged in church, and subtly arose a ‘General’ over the church members.

Their lives met and connected in a most intriguing way, until each person’s work was forced to face the test of fire… 

“The First Ladies in the Cathedral” is an interesting satire that mirrors the “mixed multitudes” in the church today, and how to deal with them.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:30:01 +0100 FunkeAdaramola
MIRIAM -From Grass to Grace https://rightwaybooks.com/miriam-from-grass-to-grace-57 https://rightwaybooks.com/miriam-from-grass-to-grace-57

✔ Price: 500

MIRIAM is a transformation account. It is the story of the refinement of a plain village girl from raw to high quality, from crude to top grade purity. Her latent potential in the worship of God was discovered early by a dedicated and gifted missionary who proceeded to mould the ordinary lump of clay into a refined piece of vessel most fit for the use of the Master, an icon to her generation.


This is a well written book. It cannot but catch your imagination with its commendable picturesque that takes the reader along page by page often leaving an air of suspense and expectation in you. Yet, the book through and through is written with amazing simplicity.”

The Most Revd G. L. Lasebikan, Ph.D


“MIRIAM is another thriller from the stable of the master story-teller for Jesus. The book is a chronicle of a young convert’s journey of faith to fame with its challenges and triumphs, a must read for the baby and mature Christian,”

Deacon Olumide Idowu

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:22:49 +0100 Olusegun Ojosipe-Isaac
GOD’S TIME - God’s Timing Is Perfect https://rightwaybooks.com/gods-time-gods-timing-is-perfect-56 https://rightwaybooks.com/gods-time-gods-timing-is-perfect-56

✔ Price: 500

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:”

When a man knows the appropriate time to act and not to act, he is considered wise. It is profitable for the children of God to be observant of times and seasons so that they are not found to be laboring against the divine timetable. Time of sowing, which is often not as pleasant as the time of reaping, even though there is an assurance for the sower that in the time of harvest there shall be rejoicing. In other words, the Bible teaches us to endure in the time of sowing so that there could be a time of harvest. Consequently, if there is no sowing, there will be no reaping. It takes the grace and wisdom of God for us to know the correct time of sowing and the correct time of reaping.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:19:37 +0100 Chinwe Books
FOCUS ON YOUR EAGLE https://rightwaybooks.com/focus-on-your-eagle-54 https://rightwaybooks.com/focus-on-your-eagle-54

✔ Price: 500

The Eagle is a unique bird known for its powerful visions and soaring altitudes. They never surrender to the size of their prey no matter the situation or challenges. You are called to be an eagle. You are created great. Just focus on that God- given vision and purpose of your life and you shall surely succeed. Stop being a wanderer, that is all that this book teaches. Know what to focus on in life and, how to focus. That is your eagle, and you shall soar.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:58:50 +0100 Oladimeji Moses Books
ALLOW GOD TO REVEAL YOUR GREATER GLORY https://rightwaybooks.com/allow-god-to-reveal-your-greater-glory-53 https://rightwaybooks.com/allow-god-to-reveal-your-greater-glory-53

✔ Price: 500

Evidence of revelation of greater glory is when situations that one used to handle with difficulty become easy. It is when one begins to succeed in areas they persistently failed or things usually done with difficulty become easy and most importantly the glory of God becomes glaring.

Congratulations for laying your hand on this book, because it is the revelation of my greater glory in the area of writing that gave birth to it. Yours will be the next to be revealed.

What is that area of your life that you desire to excel so that your greater glory might be revealed? This is what the book is all about, as you will be taken through what greater glory stands for, pathways to greater glory, limitations to greater glory as well as how to overcome them. The relationship between anointing and greater glory, double anointing for greater glory and reasons why you require anointing including how to receive anointing are revealed. Remaining at the top consistently does matter; therefore pitfalls to avoid in order to prevent the loss of glory make up the concluding chapter.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:56:18 +0100 Joseph Obute Books
THE APPOINTED TIME - He Sets the Right Time for Everything https://rightwaybooks.com/the-appointed-time-he-sets-the-right-time-for-everything-50 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-appointed-time-he-sets-the-right-time-for-everything-50

✔ Price: 500

“To everything there is a season. A time for every purpose under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NKJV).

Our God is the God of Times and Seasons. The God of wisdom and understanding, who always does things in the best possible ways. He plans everything he does before bringing them to pass. He has already planned everything and assigned time and seasons to them before the foundation of the earth. The time He has set for the things He created will be the best time they will ever get.

In this mini book, Apostle A. J. Osilama shares his life experiences and testimonies about Time and Seasons. He encourages us to hold on to God during our time of tests and trials. Hard times will surely come, we cannot run away from them. But if we can cling to God he will make our hard times work out for our good.

After reading this book you will have the assurance that God will surely bring to pass what He has promised, at the right time, no matter the delay. No devil has the power to stop God from accomplishing His plan and purpose for your lives. God always keeps to the time and seasons He has set for everything He created.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:39:35 +0100 Aku Osilama Books
DECISION THAT OPENS CLOSED DOORS https://rightwaybooks.com/decision-that-opens-closed-doors-49 https://rightwaybooks.com/decision-that-opens-closed-doors-49

✔ Price: 500

DECISION THAT OPENS CLOSED DOORS is a systematic and expository teaching of Ruth chapter one and two. It reveals the acts of faith that serve as keys for open doors, leading to divine connection. Ruth’s background as a Moabite disqualified her to enter into the congregation of Israel; as such she was shut out of the commonwealth of Zion. But through her work and acts of faith, the door of the common wealth of Zion was opened for her and through the open doors; she secured divine connection through which she was established in Zion.
Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:36:20 +0100 Frank Ordu Books
UNITED NATIONS’ PARTNERSHIP WITH GOD https://rightwaybooks.com/united-nations-partnership-with-god-45 https://rightwaybooks.com/united-nations-partnership-with-god-45

✔ Price: 1,500

The United Nations, as a world body, is not a religious organisation and is not known to prefer one religion above any other among the different faiths in the world. But the actions and programmes of the UN in their global content and relevance may well be seen as GODLY, in the way they align with the purpose of God in the world.

This is the view United Nations’ Partnership with God enunciates as it identifies the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals within the ambits of the Bible. The idea is to make the reader see the UN effort as godly, non-religious though, simply godly; and to elicit support for the SDGs at individual, governments and national levels.

Because we all have a part to play, not necessarily for pecuniary reasons, but for the development of mankind and the sustenance of good life for everyone on the earth, United Nations’ Partnership with God is highly recommended to be read and shared.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:10:02 +0100 Kelicha Books
A SHADOW IN THE SHADE https://rightwaybooks.com/a-shadow-in-the-shade-43 https://rightwaybooks.com/a-shadow-in-the-shade-43

✔ Price: 1,500

A Shadow in the Shade is a didactic book that tells the insidious story of examination cheats and the dire consequences of living such a life. The author’s goal is to help children and youth, in particular, but all and sundry seek excellence in life, but not by fraud or cheating in any form.

With its moral lesson constantly in view, the book is largely a story about certain university students who had led a life of examination malpractices even from secondary school. The culprits are as diverse as they are representations of the usual cheat one meets out there.

The idea is to open the door for anyone living in a lie to see through the mirror of A Shadow in the Shade that cheating leads nowhere; rather, it attracts harsh consequences, shame and damnation. But repentance and restitution, or a changed heart and life guarantee a life of peace and progress.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:04:57 +0100 Kelicha Books
A DANGLING SWORD - A Writer’s View at the World of Cheats https://rightwaybooks.com/a-dangling-sword-a-writers-view-at-the-world-of-cheats-42 https://rightwaybooks.com/a-dangling-sword-a-writers-view-at-the-world-of-cheats-42

✔ Price: 1,500

A Dangling Sword is a didactic book that tells the insidious story of examination cheats and the dire consequences of living such a life. The author’s goal is to help children and youth, in particular, but all and sundry seek excellence in life, but not by fraud or cheating in any form.

With its moral lesson constantly in view, the book is largely a story about certain university students who had led a life of examination malpractices even from secondary school. The culprits are as diverse as they are representations of the usual cheat one meets out there.

The idea is to open the door for anyone living in a lie to see through the mirror of A Dangling Sword that cheating leads nowhere; rather, it attracts harsh consequences, shame and damnation. But repentance and restitution, or a changed heart and life guarantee a life of peace and progress.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 21:03:15 +0100 Kelicha Books
THE POWER OF CHOICE - Your Role In Making Your Destiny A Reality https://rightwaybooks.com/the-power-of-choice-your-role-in-making-your-destiny-a-reality-40 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-power-of-choice-your-role-in-making-your-destiny-a-reality-40

✔ Price: 1,500

The Power of Choice explains why the witch or wizard is not altogether to blame when, especially, a believer fails to succeed. A lot is wrong with how you choose or the choice of what you say and do.

The author makes the point that the power to make your destiny come true is in your hand. And because you can indeed have the backing of Almighty God, nothing should be able to stop you making a success of your life. She leaves the big question squarely in your hand: Would you succeed? Do you really want to succeed? If yes, then you can!

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:20:36 +0100 Kelicha Books
UNDERSTANDING THE COVENANT OF HOLINESS https://rightwaybooks.com/understanding-the-covenant-of-holiness-39 https://rightwaybooks.com/understanding-the-covenant-of-holiness-39

✔ Price: 1,500

If you ever wondered why a lot of people don’t like to discuss righteousness, a state of moral pureness and holiness, this book explains that it is because people don’t understand that holiness is man’s greatest desire, and is the ultimate aim of the sacrifice and vicarious death of Jesus Christ for all humanity.

In Understanding the Covenant of Holiness, Kelicha Ochonogor uses simple language and common experiences to make Holiness less scary a topic. You can now easily become holy and begin to live in the blessedness of the experience. The author writes to show that the death of Jesus was a complete sacrifice to achieve for us both God’s imparted holiness and divine grace to live holy and enjoy the benefits of holiness.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:16:44 +0100 Kelicha Books
UNDERSTANDING THE FORCE OF LIBERTY https://rightwaybooks.com/understanding-the-force-of-liberty-38 https://rightwaybooks.com/understanding-the-force-of-liberty-38

✔ Price: 1,500

How often do you find a book that confronts you with facts about your very personal desire for freedom and liberty? Understanding the Force of Liberty is Kelicha Ochonogor’s first of a series of books she is passionate about writing. Her drive is deep within her, stemming from true personal experiences that prove the point: Satan is not omniscient – he does not know everything about your life and destiny; ONLY GOD DOES! Satan is not omnipotent – he does not have all power over your life: ONLY GOD DOES!

The book exudes such pugnacious personal revelations of a young woman who has escaped the jaws of dearth, escaped helpless struggles against forces of evil, and finally got lifted into the safe hands of Jesus Christ. You can’t read Understanding the Force of Liberty without seeing the possibility of your own freedom.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 19:01:05 +0100 Kelicha Books
FOLLOWING THE STEPS OF GIANTS https://rightwaybooks.com/following-the-steps-of-giants-37 https://rightwaybooks.com/following-the-steps-of-giants-37

✔ Price: 1,500

In Following the Steps of Giants, Kelicha Ochonogor is again drawing attention to our Christian culture of learning from biblical examples, and how we need to be “followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” Aside the rich list of Bible giants, Kelicha has a list of contemporary giants also, a galaxy of super mentors she describes as among “them who through faith and patience [are inheriting] the promises.”

Who are these contemporary giants? What are they doing right? What mistakes have they learnt from? Are there changes I need to make to enjoy God's blessings as these giants are doing? Following the Steps of Giants, like the other books the author has churned out, is again her provocateur, and may again raise some dust. This latest book foreshadows three other: The Power of Choice, Understanding the Covenant of Holiness, and Understanding Glory.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:58:59 +0100 Kelicha Books
UNDERSTANDING GLORY https://rightwaybooks.com/understanding-glory-35 https://rightwaybooks.com/understanding-glory-35

✔ Price: 1,500

The good news in Understanding Glory is, you can enjoy God’s glory on your life, right here on earth, and an even more glorious end in heaven.

The author makes plain the difference between the glory from God and narcissism, a type of glory that leads nowhere good. She copiously shows Bible examples of simple people who by faith and willing submission to God became resoundingly glorious. It’s all to show that no one who desires glorification from God is ever denied. You can be glorious too!

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:54:43 +0100 Kelicha Books
BALANCE CHRISTIANITY: A Better Way of Relating with God https://rightwaybooks.com/balance-christianity-a-better-way-of-relating-with-god-34 https://rightwaybooks.com/balance-christianity-a-better-way-of-relating-with-god-34

✔ Price: 500

The just religious, and superficial manifestation in the church today is so alarming. The church of this generation has been kept from the major reason for God's salvation to mankind-relationship and fellowship

The book “Balance Christianity - a better way of relating with God” aims at calling and enlightening the church about her need for personal relationship with God which is one of the fundamental reasons for God's salvation to mankind.
Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:51:21 +0100 Raphael Dauda Books
INHERENT DANGERS IN PRIDE https://rightwaybooks.com/inherent-dangers-in-pride-33 https://rightwaybooks.com/inherent-dangers-in-pride-33

✔ Price: 500

This book is divinely published to reveal the destructive works of pride in someone’s life. This book has vividly discussed pride as a subtle trap set by the devil to catch a beloved of God into damnation.

The benefit of this book is not limited only to the ministers of God. It is meant and recommended to everyone that loves to have a perfect communion with God and enjoys His Fathership relationship till the end of life.

Also, it is published to let us know the concept of humility as a key to achieve success in life, and the power to relate with man to obtain a godly man’s help, supports, mercy, upliftment, grace and favour.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:48:13 +0100 Kehinde Olabode Books
WHY SOME PROPHESIES DON'T COME TO PASS https://rightwaybooks.com/why-some-prophesies-dont-come-to-pass-29 https://rightwaybooks.com/why-some-prophesies-dont-come-to-pass-29

✔ Price: 500

God has always spoken to his children through prophecy!

It’s an error to fight, ignore, despite or reject prophecy.

We should celebrate prophecy in spite of the errors of immaturity and the evils of false prophets; we must not stop or throw away prophetic messages or ministry.

Prophecies are given us by God to help us chart our course through life! We cannot afford to walk in darkness in a world that is filled with wickedness and demonic practices, because of few misguided fellows. We need the light of prophecies in a world filled with darkness, so we don’t stumble!

Hebrew 1:1-2 says “God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds”.

The bible never said time of prophesy has passed. The prophets and the prophecies of today come with the spirit of Christ not the hardness of the law. The prophecies of today come to us with the love of God and the sweet transportation of the Holy Ghost!

This book is a must read for every prophet or those desiring to grown in the prophetic ministry with outstanding results.

People who home prophecies over their lives are the most fortunate to have this book.
Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:35:10 +0100 Jones Abidoye Books
HOW TO OVERCOME BAD HABITS https://rightwaybooks.com/how-to-overcome-bad-habits-28 https://rightwaybooks.com/how-to-overcome-bad-habits-28

✔ Price: 500

Gifted but wasting! Do you have someone like that or are you that way?

You are gifted but your habit is making you to waste away in a corner! This book is written to help you come out of all bad habits. 

If you have someone wasting away as a son, daughter, brother, sister, friend, spouse or parent, you will learn how to help people with bad habits; what you should be doing and what you should never do to them. 

Anyone with bad habit is a prisoner; it’s time to set them free! It’s time to make yourself free.
Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:32:15 +0100 Jones Abidoye Books
HOPES OF THE LIVING DEAD (AKUDAAYA) https://rightwaybooks.com/hopes-of-the-living-dead-akudaaya-26 https://rightwaybooks.com/hopes-of-the-living-dead-akudaaya-26

✔ Price: 500

A tale of white and black. The communion of real and illusion. The unequally yoking of light and darkness. The dependence of spirit on mortal body. A seduction for the unexpected.

Yemi’s life was at the verge of drowning. His remarkable achievement in college had, in a blink of an eye, reversed beyond a striking misery. His life was gradually fading away. And then came a sudden turn-around from the least expected direction, only to end in an unforeseen circumstance. And then the mind refused to accept what was meant to be. Fate got twisted. The unexpected occurred. But in the end, the master plan would not change a bit. God’s plan would always come to pass, no matter how far fate may have been twisted.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:21:10 +0100 Muyiwa Joseph Books
DESIRED BUT NOT DESERVED https://rightwaybooks.com/desired-but-not-deserved-25 https://rightwaybooks.com/desired-but-not-deserved-25

✔ Price: 500

This book, ‘Desired but not Deserved’, elucidated on the driving forces behind human desires, pre-requisites for deserving a desire and the unmerited desires. It equally provided, in great details, salient secrets behind merited and edifying desires, and how to guide against perilous desires.

The author, in a plain language, clearly pointed the entire human race to the truth that only a life being lived in Jesus Christ, the Saviour provided by God for the whole world, fully deserves his desires here on earth and in heaven hereafter. The story line in the book perfectly drives home the need for qualification before being a beneficiary of God’s largesse. Premised on Biblical references, he recommended a modelled lifestyle of knowing God through Jesus Christ; having a living faith in Him; living for Him alone; following in His footsteps; and serving Him daily as a criteria for pleasing God our maker.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:16:15 +0100 Samson Aderemi Books
THE DIAMOND IN YOU https://rightwaybooks.com/the-diamond-in-you-24 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-diamond-in-you-24

✔ Price: 500

This book is written for the revival of many gifts out there that might have been despised or forgotten.

Every living soul is a vessel of treasure, but poverty is a scorner, many are the thousands wandering for the gold they already have, they die in want for wealth with their riches lying in them. Ignorance!

Have you ever wondered why many people die unexpectedly? Ever wondered why some people never cease to struggle? Or why they never really lived a fulfilled life?

"For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai, plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future." (CJB).

Knowledge does more in protection as much as ignorance too in contrast.

A man aware of his gift but never know how to use it, is still very much ignorant in his little knowledge, this is the challenges of some people that want to explore their inborn potentials and for some, it just make them run away, but out of the fearful run from purpose comes a stumbling into the struggling life, and the sweat of their face never runs dry.

Every true personality resides in inborn potentials. My earnest desire for you through this book is a full awareness of your own destiny.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:10:11 +0100 Osagie Victor Books
THE MAN WHO BEAR THE CROSS https://rightwaybooks.com/the-man-who-bear-the-cross-23 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-man-who-bear-the-cross-23

✔ Price: 500

All the scriptures were written through the inspirations of the Holy Spirit, so also is the book you are about to read, there you will be blessed after reading through the book. There are miseries in the book that will boost your morale and show you the way that leads to life.

It is a must to tell you that this story which you are about to read is your story, this is because it is a story that revolves around you, therefore don’t waste much of your time, start reading now and discover who you are, as well as where you are.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:06:06 +0100 Segun Ogunseha Books
THE DESTINY POLLUTER: PORNOGRAPHY https://rightwaybooks.com/the-destiny-polluter-pornography-22 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-destiny-polluter-pornography-22

✔ Price: 500

PORNOGRAPHY has no nice description whatsoever. Apart from the truth that porn is a SIN, it:

Is an embodiment of lies.

Portrays women folk as mere objects; on which you can experiment just anything.

Usually keeps you busy doing nothing.

Does grow into terrible addiction subtly.

Unlocks (extreme) sexual lusts in people’s mind and flesh.

Corrupts the mind of the youth and put their destiny up for sale disguisedly.

Makes man (woman) acts lower than animals.

Specializes in breaking marriages and scattering homes.

Causes erectile dysfunction (ED) in men, and so on.

Porn usually sparks up strange fire in your body when (after) you view it (no matter how brief); your body would want to misbehave. The body usually gets a boost, inspiration & instructions to misbehave (lust, sin) whenever you view porn.

Find more necessary things out about pornography as you read through this special piece, and save your mind, life, and destiny from this terrible destiny polluter. 

Tue, 12 Nov 2019 09:12:58 +0100 Omole-GreatBooks
PATH TO SUCCESS https://rightwaybooks.com/path-to-success-21 https://rightwaybooks.com/path-to-success-21

✔ Price: 500

The challenge has often been thrown at us; with so many lectures and talks on success, why do this generation of youths partake in corruption and immoral ridden way of acquiring wealth?

This book is indeed a FLOOD of light, painting a vivid picture of true success. You hold a pack of challenges that will propel you to the next level of genuine success. Get ready to be challenged. 

The most successful people are not those who never fail or make mistakes but those who remember to continue whenever they fail.

The level of your determination will determine your success for there is no short cut to success. Machivile said, “Even though such hope may be fragile or vain, a man’s desire and determination to accomplish a difficult task will blind him to the chance of failure”.

Tue, 12 Nov 2019 08:58:28 +0100 FridayBooks
GUILTY IN PARADISE . . . Connecting Cultures https://rightwaybooks.com/guilty-in-paradise-connecting-cultures-20 https://rightwaybooks.com/guilty-in-paradise-connecting-cultures-20

✔ Price: 500

Guilty in paradise is the story of Natasha Mgbate, a career woman who was physically abused by her father when she was growing up. She made a decision at a tender age that life is alot easier if she gave men a wide berth. She never bargained on meeting Essen Devon- a man forceful enough to bring down her defences with just a smile. Even more, she never counted on meeting Bola- the wife of Essen’s lifelong pal- Mike. Bola’s friendship was warm and unassuming, being an epitome of a woman who has achieved life’s most intricate task- balance. In this taut circle of friends, Tasha was forced to re-evaluate her values, face her fears, overcome all the shackles that were holding her back from fulfilling her God-ordained destiny and in the process discover in the deepest part of her heart, a love that never fails.

This story highlights how childhood wounds can carry through to adulthood and shape one’s destiny without their knowledge. Blending some of the different ethnic groups in Nigeria, the author sprays the fragrance of acceptance and oneness that fosters unity.

Tue, 12 Nov 2019 08:45:55 +0100 NwobodoBooks
THE ALL SUFFICIENT JESUS CHRIST https://rightwaybooks.com/the-all-sufficient-jesus-christ-19 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-all-sufficient-jesus-christ-19

✔ Price: 500

Generally, considering the attitude of some Christians in our present age; their shallow understanding of the Scriptures and their manner of behaviour, the issue of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fact of His all sufficiency need to be strongly emphasized.

Furthermore, in the face of diverse problems confronting mankind, not exempting Christians; the challenges of the powers of darkness on the increase; poverty, life threatening diseases, and the entire world becoming a global village as a result of scientific and technological advancement, it is indeed necessary to unequivocally assert that the Lord Jesus is ever all-sufficient.

The author, through an exegetical approach to the comparative studies in the epistle of Paul to the Colossians and a critical appraisal of Christianity in Ebira land and Africa in general, presents Jesus Christ as all-sufficient and the only true answer to man’s problem of searching for salvation, peace and prosperity in the world. He is all in all, because He is God Himself made man and the only one that paid the price to redeem man from the curse of the law.

Repentance from sin, absolute faith in Christ Jesus and following the divine principles of the Bible, the Word of God are what a person needs to satisfy the emptiness that is ever in the life of a man without Christ.


Tue, 12 Nov 2019 07:59:07 +0100 EmmanOnsachiBooks
BREAK OUT https://rightwaybooks.com/break-out-17 https://rightwaybooks.com/break-out-17

✔ Price: 1,000

Several years ago, the Lord told me that men will come from the ends of the earth to hear the wisdom He will inspire me to speak and to read the books He will inspire me to write. When He says a thing, it is done. He has enabled me to write twenty seven books.

Professor Chinua Achebe says that each time you open a book, you learn something new. Not only is our learning tied to our earning, but our learning puts ignorance to flight

Let us change our world as we put inspired books into the hands of family and friends.

We customize BREAK OUT for weddings, birthdays, burials and other ceremonies.  By this, I mean that we can use your picture or that of your loved ones on the cover of this book while the content will bless your people instead of giving them plain jotters as souvenirs

Sun, 10 Nov 2019 21:09:25 +0100 Ngozi Okure
SACK THAT DRIVER https://rightwaybooks.com/sack-that-driver-15 https://rightwaybooks.com/sack-that-driver-15

✔ Price: 1,000

This powerful book is inspired by the Holy Spirit to show that behavior is a function of spirits. Just like cars that cannot move without a driver, man does not act without being driven.

The nature of spirits in a man’s life determines how he behaves. When a negative spirit is driving a man, he drives him into doing negative things which ultimately leads him to the tombs.

This book identifies a number of such negative spirits that drive men to ruins and shows how to sack them. It equally tells us how to employ the positive Spirit of God that empowers us for results in life. You will be so blessed reading this book, believe me.

Sun, 10 Nov 2019 20:58:33 +0100 Ngozi Okure
HOW TO FLOURISH IN RECESSION https://rightwaybooks.com/how-to-flourish-in-recession-14 https://rightwaybooks.com/how-to-flourish-in-recession-14

✔ Price: 1,500

Living in a depressed economy?  Already experiencing the bolts of recession? Wait! It does not have to be that way. You can thrive in the midst of the worst recession if you understand certain kingdom principles and dynamics.

People suffer when they lack knowledge about handing certain life seasons and circumstances.  Recession does not exist where a believer has been positioned.

This book will open your understanding about your covenant position as a joint heir with Christ to reign in the midst of all life seasons. It will teach you steps that will take you out of lack and poverty into a great financial destiny.

It is possible, even you can be wealthy for God is no respecter of persons. Wisdom answers to whoever trades with it. Start the journey today to a glorious financial destiny using the powerful information loaded in this book.

Sun, 10 Nov 2019 20:51:19 +0100 Ngozi Okure
THE WINNING CHRISTIAN https://rightwaybooks.com/the-winning-christian-12 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-winning-christian-12

✔ Price: 1,000

Fishes do not struggle to swim in water and birds to not struggle to fly in the air. Why then should the children of the Almighty God struggle to win and be successful in life?

The culprit is ignorance. THE WINNING CHRISTIAN is written to tear down the veil of ignorance that keeps men from winning in life.

It is a book you will ever be so grateful that the Lord brought across your path.

Sun, 10 Nov 2019 14:59:14 +0100 Ngozi Okure
VACANCY IN THE KINGDOM https://rightwaybooks.com/vacancy-in-the-kingdom-10 https://rightwaybooks.com/vacancy-in-the-kingdom-10

✔ Price: 500

When we were delivered from the powers of darkness, we were translated and strategically placed in a kingdom. A kingdom of power and glory! This kingdom advances forcefully thereby creating vacancies for forceful men and women who should, via the power and the glory of the kingdom, do exploits, and execute divine agenda. But there seems to be a dearth of such forceful men and women in the kingdom, in spite of the fact that there are so many kingdom dwellers. It appears as if only a few are kingdom advancers.

Beyond human formations and machinations, offices and roles (human methods, and established hierarchy) in the church, there is vacancy in the kingdom that must be filled if the will of God and his purposes must be done on earth and the agenda of heaven upheld.

What constitutes this vacancy? What is the relevance of this vacancy to the kingdom? Why must you seek to fill this vacancy? This book hopes to proffer answers to these questions and others; and, function to help x-ray you to yourself in the light of the realities of divine expectation, and mirror you against the background of who you ought to be in the kingdom.

On the whole, under God, this book will not leave you the same way it met you. Fire will be infused into bones; hearts will be surcharged with heavenly passion; revival will be ignited, and power unleashed resulting into a pressing "towards the Mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus."

Sun, 10 Nov 2019 14:21:43 +0100 BennItuaBooks