Rightway Christian Bookstore RSS Feeds - Spiritual Warfare https://rightwaybooks.com/rss/category/spiritual-warfare Rightway Christian Bookstore RSS Feeds - Spiritual Warfare en Copyright 2012 - 2024 Rightway Mega Network - All Rights Reserved. BATTLES OF THE NIGHT: …get ahead, stay ahead https://rightwaybooks.com/battles-of-the-night-get-ahead-stay-ahead-195 https://rightwaybooks.com/battles-of-the-night-get-ahead-stay-ahead-195

✔ Price: 1,000

The world is a battle field in which survival rests on focus and resilience. If you are rich or poor, simple or tough, none can exonerate you from the attack of the enemies. Wickedness is seen everywhere as reported daily in the newspapers, radio, television and social media. Night battle has been used to dislodge stubborn enemies in the Holy Bible. It is a sure way of preventing the enterprise of the devil or reverse the supposed irreversible works of the evil ones. In our contemporary time, prayer is our weapon. You however need to graduate beyond day prayer if you want to be a terror to the kingdom of darkness. Night prayer is painful but very effective. If you agree that pain may precede gain, you then need to pray in the night at least once a week.

 This book is to teach you the essence of night prayer which is a veritable tool for victory. It is a moment to go a step ahead of your enemies to defend yourself and your loved ones. You are to fight the enemy, attack, destroy and uproot any structure erected against your destiny. God told Jesremiah and by extension you, “ See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant”  Jeremiah 1:10. The book also lays bare some patterns of prayers God cannot ignore which you can deploy in the night battles. Happy reading.

Mon, 22 Jan 2024 20:01:29 +0100 Johnson Olusegun Akindele
21 DAYS WITH GOD: Dealing with The Enemies https://rightwaybooks.com/21-days-with-god-dealing-with-the-enemies-140 https://rightwaybooks.com/21-days-with-god-dealing-with-the-enemies-140

✔ Price: 500

21 Days with God (Dealing with the Enemies) is a spiritual warfare and revival book birthed out of earnest prayer and self-discovery of God's purpose. This book is an atomic spiritual weapon for the mass destruction of satanic imaginations, plans, plots, agendas, covenants, tricks, powers, expectations, attacks, manipulations, circles etc., against the children of God. It is a prayer book for deliverance, spiritual empowerment, financial breakthrough, building spiritual fences and gates, reconnecting with God in a deeper foundation, and creating lasting open heavens over one's life.

21 Days with God is a book that can guide you to stay in God for 21 days and experience God's great impartation and glorious purpose redefinition. In his book chapter 4 vs 7, Apostle James urges us to submit to God and resist the devil. This book gives you practical steps on how to submit to God and resist the devil. With this prayer guide, you can never lose any spiritual warfare again. This is a prayer tonic and a spiritual vaccination against spiritual viruses or parasites.

Sat, 23 Dec 2023 10:26:30 +0100 ismosesbooks
THE MYSTERY OF THE SPIRIT OF MANIPULATION https://rightwaybooks.com/the-mystery-of-the-spirit-of-manipulation-64 https://rightwaybooks.com/the-mystery-of-the-spirit-of-manipulation-64

✔ Price: 500

The Mystery of the Spirit of Manipulation” is a book written in due season. Occasioned by the content of this germ of a book and taking cognizance of the time we are in now, if there is a time man needs the services of the materials in this book to tame the scourge of spiritual manipulation that has destroyed many lives and still holds a sea of others in helpless captivity, here is one.

Undoubtedly, the spirit of manipulation has made ship wreck out of many destinies, with some of them sentenced irrevocably to perpetual destruction, while others to irredeemable regrets.

The spirit of manipulation is the spirit that creates the scenario that is akin to acting before thinking, as the mental faculties of its victims are always in a state of total suspension while acting at the behest of this satanic spirit. The spirit of manipulation is a spirit over which no man has a comprehensive understanding of the mastery of its operation. This is by the reason of its nature essence, but we dare to declare that coursing through the materials in this book meditatively will bring you to the realm of being able to have a good hold on the dividing line through your act of spiritual wariness informed by understanding. And this is beside the practical deployment of the spiritual intercontinental ballistic missile-like kind of prayer points which the author employs to lace up the worth of this life-redefining, caution-advising and God-dependent book. The revelations in this book are deep and stretching, and it has been compiled together by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit to help open your understanding to the activities of the spirit of manipulation.

Read this book and deliver your soul from the grip of the life-wrecking spirit of manipulation.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 22:43:47 +0100 Joseph Olushola
DISMANTLING EVIL FOUNDATIONS https://rightwaybooks.com/dismantling-evil-foundations-32 https://rightwaybooks.com/dismantling-evil-foundations-32

✔ Price: 500

It is imperative to note that a properly positioned and balanced believer is one that can allow effective spiritual ventilation to be transferred to other believers who do not have their own ventilatory capabilities. It is however important to state that proper positioning and maintenance of one’s spiritual state and getting the blessings therein depend on the degree of the understanding of one’s natal foundation.

The focus of this book is broad and has emphasis on the cause of, and solutions to demonic foundations. The sheer ignorance some believers have in this area has, hitherto, kept them on perpetual retrogressive trend. To this end, the need for a believer to have his foundation examined cannot be overemphasized. Thank God that he dealt with the topic in detail. It is absolutely correct to say that this book is logically arranged.

It is also heavily loaded with a high degree of spiritual maturity and experience in deliverance and with the pearls people need in order to get free from the shackles of their demonic foundations.

Thu, 21 Dec 2023 18:44:27 +0100 EmmanuelRhema
JESUS REVOLUTION IN NIGERIA https://rightwaybooks.com/jesus-revolution-in-nigeria-2 https://rightwaybooks.com/jesus-revolution-in-nigeria-2

✔ Price: 1,000

I am convinced that Nigeria is at her crisis hour - Revolution is inevitable. It's just a matter of which brand of revolution is going to prove strongest and will win out in the end. Many of us are convinced that revolution has to happen in Nigeria. Where we disagree with other radicals is in how to achieve this most desired change and what we are going to do when we do away with the old system.

There are two options for us - violent revolution or peaceful revolution. Many Nigerians are so apathetic that they will just sit back and go to whoever wins the struggle.

Instead of frustration, despair, disenchantment, apathy or hopelessness, I believe we have discovered a powerful positive plan for confronting the corrupt system in Nigeria.

Tue, 05 Dec 2023 15:45:52 +0100 Peter O. Morakinyo