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This book, ‘Desired but not Deserved’, elucidated on the driving forces behind human desires, pre-requisites for deserving a desire and the unmerited desires. It equally provided, in great details, salient secrets behind merited and edifying desires, and how to guide against perilous desires.

The author, in a plain language, clearly pointed the entire human race to the truth that only a life being lived in Jesus Christ, the Saviour provided by God for the whole world, fully deserves his desires here on earth and in heaven hereafter. The story line in the book perfectly drives home the need for qualification before being a beneficiary of God’s largesse. Premised on Biblical references, he recommended a modelled lifestyle of knowing God through Jesus Christ; having a living faith in Him; living for Him alone; following in His footsteps; and serving Him daily as a criteria for pleasing God our maker.

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