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The United Nations, as a world body, is not a religious organisation and is not known to prefer one religion above any other among the different faiths in the world. But the actions and programmes of the UN in their global content and relevance may well be seen as GODLY, in the way they align with the purpose of God in the world.

This is the view United Nations’ Partnership with God enunciates as it identifies the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals within the ambits of the Bible. The idea is to make the reader see the UN effort as godly, non-religious though, simply godly; and to elicit support for the SDGs at individual, governments and national levels.

Because we all have a part to play, not necessarily for pecuniary reasons, but for the development of mankind and the sustenance of good life for everyone on the earth, United Nations’ Partnership with God is highly recommended to be read and shared.

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