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Generally, considering the attitude of some Christians in our present age; their shallow understanding of the Scriptures and their manner of behaviour, the issue of the person of the Lord Jesus Christ and the fact of His all sufficiency need to be strongly emphasized.

Furthermore, in the face of diverse problems confronting mankind, not exempting Christians; the challenges of the powers of darkness on the increase; poverty, life threatening diseases, and the entire world becoming a global village as a result of scientific and technological advancement, it is indeed necessary to unequivocally assert that the Lord Jesus is ever all-sufficient.

The author, through an exegetical approach to the comparative studies in the epistle of Paul to the Colossians and a critical appraisal of Christianity in Ebira land and Africa in general, presents Jesus Christ as all-sufficient and the only true answer to man’s problem of searching for salvation, peace and prosperity in the world. He is all in all, because He is God Himself made man and the only one that paid the price to redeem man from the curse of the law.

Repentance from sin, absolute faith in Christ Jesus and following the divine principles of the Bible, the Word of God are what a person needs to satisfy the emptiness that is ever in the life of a man without Christ.


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