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PORNOGRAPHY has no nice description whatsoever. Apart from the truth that porn is a SIN, it:

Is an embodiment of lies.

Portrays women folk as mere objects; on which you can experiment just anything.

Usually keeps you busy doing nothing.

Does grow into terrible addiction subtly.

Unlocks (extreme) sexual lusts in people’s mind and flesh.

Corrupts the mind of the youth and put their destiny up for sale disguisedly.

Makes man (woman) acts lower than animals.

Specializes in breaking marriages and scattering homes.

Causes erectile dysfunction (ED) in men, and so on.

Porn usually sparks up strange fire in your body when (after) you view it (no matter how brief); your body would want to misbehave. The body usually gets a boost, inspiration & instructions to misbehave (lust, sin) whenever you view porn.

Find more necessary things out about pornography as you read through this special piece, and save your mind, life, and destiny from this terrible destiny polluter. 

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