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This book is written for the revival of many gifts out there that might have been despised or forgotten.

Every living soul is a vessel of treasure, but poverty is a scorner, many are the thousands wandering for the gold they already have, they die in want for wealth with their riches lying in them. Ignorance!

Have you ever wondered why many people die unexpectedly? Ever wondered why some people never cease to struggle? Or why they never really lived a fulfilled life?

"For I know what plans I have in mind for you,’ says Adonai, plans for well-being, not for bad things; so that you can have hope and a future." (CJB).

Knowledge does more in protection as much as ignorance too in contrast.

A man aware of his gift but never know how to use it, is still very much ignorant in his little knowledge, this is the challenges of some people that want to explore their inborn potentials and for some, it just make them run away, but out of the fearful run from purpose comes a stumbling into the struggling life, and the sweat of their face never runs dry.

Every true personality resides in inborn potentials. My earnest desire for you through this book is a full awareness of your own destiny.

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