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When we were delivered from the powers of darkness, we were translated and strategically placed in a kingdom. A kingdom of power and glory! This kingdom advances forcefully thereby creating vacancies for forceful men and women who should, via the power and the glory of the kingdom, do exploits, and execute divine agenda. But there seems to be a dearth of such forceful men and women in the kingdom, in spite of the fact that there are so many kingdom dwellers. It appears as if only a few are kingdom advancers.

Beyond human formations and machinations, offices and roles (human methods, and established hierarchy) in the church, there is vacancy in the kingdom that must be filled if the will of God and his purposes must be done on earth and the agenda of heaven upheld.

What constitutes this vacancy? What is the relevance of this vacancy to the kingdom? Why must you seek to fill this vacancy? This book hopes to proffer answers to these questions and others; and, function to help x-ray you to yourself in the light of the realities of divine expectation, and mirror you against the background of who you ought to be in the kingdom.

On the whole, under God, this book will not leave you the same way it met you. Fire will be infused into bones; hearts will be surcharged with heavenly passion; revival will be ignited, and power unleashed resulting into a pressing "towards the Mark of the High Calling of God in Christ Jesus."

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