BATTLES OF THE NIGHT: …get ahead, stay ahead

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The world is a battle field in which survival rests on focus and resilience. If you are rich or poor, simple or tough, none can exonerate you from the attack of the enemies. Wickedness is seen everywhere as reported daily in the newspapers, radio, television and social media. Night battle has been used to dislodge stubborn enemies in the Holy Bible. It is a sure way of preventing the enterprise of the devil or reverse the supposed irreversible works of the evil ones. In our contemporary time, prayer is our weapon. You however need to graduate beyond day prayer if you want to be a terror to the kingdom of darkness. Night prayer is painful but very effective. If you agree that pain may precede gain, you then need to pray in the night at least once a week.

 This book is to teach you the essence of night prayer which is a veritable tool for victory. It is a moment to go a step ahead of your enemies to defend yourself and your loved ones. You are to fight the enemy, attack, destroy and uproot any structure erected against your destiny. God told Jesremiah and by extension you, “ See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant”  Jeremiah 1:10. The book also lays bare some patterns of prayers God cannot ignore which you can deploy in the night battles. Happy reading.

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